Eliav Benjamin Counselor for Political Affairs

Eliav Benjamin

  •   Counselor for Political Affairs
    Eliav assumed his position as Counselor for Political Affairs at the Embassy of Israel in Washington DC, in August 2010, after serving as Policy Advisor to the Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, since December 2006.
    Upon completion of the MFA cadet training program, Eliav was head of the Deputy Director General's office for Public Diplomacy (2001-2002), receiving an award of excellence for operating the Israel International Media Center. He then served as Deputy Head of Mission in Shanghai (China), for 4 years.
    Before Joining the Ministry, Eliav worked for Project Otzma (1996-1997), bringing college graduates for year-long training and volunteering in Israel, before assuming leadership roles in their respective Communities in the North America.
    Holding a Degree in Middle Eastern & Islamic Studies, from Tel-Aviv University, Eliav is also a member in a number of Government Steering Committees and serves as Capt. (res.) in the IDF Infantry.
    In addition to his formal professional activities, Eliav was a member of the Board of Yachad Modi’in, the largest educational community in the city of Modi’in, with goal of improving the understanding between families and people of different Jewish backgrounds in the greater Modi’in area.
    Eliav was born in London, England, and married to Efrat. They have four children.